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It is an unfortunate fact that, today, villages and towns now have no police presence whatsoever and a long response time at best (as there are always more pressing issues on the doorstep of the closest police station).


We aim to change this for small to medium sized communities that require an active 24 hour a day policing presence.


We say communities, as whole villages or towns coming together can achieve private security for a very small cost per person.

What we do:

We provide a strong uniformed presence in livered vehicles and on foot 24 hours a day. Our first aim is to act as a deterrent as we always believe prevention is better than a cure.


If, however, you, your family or home are under any sign of threat we will provide immediate and strong response, meeting any force with an appropriate level of retaliation. 


We will aim to be on first name terms with all the households we are protecting.


We will be non-intrusive to you, but highly visible to other people entering your community.


We will become a valued part of your community by keeping a special eye out for elderly people and children, advising you on household security, acting as a drop off point for deliveries (and then bringing these to you when you are at home) and calming the traffic though our slow and methodical patrols (whilst moving over for our clients). 

What we can't do:

We have no powers of arrest other than a citizen's arrest. We do, however, know exactly how to perform this.


We cannot confront verbal abuse with physical retaliation. Whilst all of our security team are from a police or military background (and are more than able to provide you and your family with personal protection) it is their experience, intellect and diplomacy that usually wins the day.


We will not get involved with local disputes unless they become threatening. We are here to support your community and become part of it, not to take sides.



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